Patreon Reward Poll: Closed! Thank You!

Lith's Diary: Every month, Lith will write a silly little entry thanking you for your support and talking about his day, or whatever pops into his mind.
Exclusive Deluxe Game: You will receive a vanity copy of the game each release with a different, fancier skin and a higher resolution. Rare!
Monthly Lith Stories: Every month, you will get a short story about Lith, be it before the void, in the void, or after...?
Spoilers Answered: Lithier is always tight-lipped, but once a month, you can send him a question, no matter how spoilery, and he will answer honestly, if in brief. He asks that you keep these secrets to yourself!
Lith Knows Your Name: You will receive a special copy of the game in which Lith already knows your name (you will give the name you prefer to be called by ahead of time) and readily calls you by it all the time.
Raffle: Ask Lith: Multiple supporters will be chosen each month and invited to ask Lith a question, even a personal question, on which he will answer at length. You can also include information on your own character and ask him for his most intimate thoughts, for example, on how good a match the two of you might make...
Instant Updates: You will receive text copies of everything Lithier writes for MVOL the very moment he stops typing. Earliest possible access!

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